Mossad Abuses Jewish Citizens in Other Countries

July 22, 1999 - 0:0
LONDON -- A Zionist intelligence expert and writer Gordon Thomas disclosed Israeli intelligence organization, Mossad's abusing some Jewish citizens in other countries for its espionage ends and sabotage activities. Thomas wrote in his book ''Secret Fighters of Mossad: Spies of Gideon'' that Mossad is extensively employing Jews in other countries to do espionage activities for the Zionist regime of Israel. The book elaborates on background and structure of Mossad, including certain operations in which Mossad spies and agents are involved.

According to Thomas a group of Mossad's field spies, known as `Katsa', are charged with field missions. He says that each 'Katsa' undergoes sensitive training, including involvement in the most severe physical tortures and fluent handle of berta claiber 22 arms, for a period of three years. Elsewhere in the book, Thomas writes that one of the first leaders of Mossad Meir Amit had identified that Katsa needs help in the field of their mission.

hence, he founded 'Sayanim' (Jewish volunteer helpers). Each 'Sayan' is symbol of historical solidarity among the world Jewish community. Each Sayan will ignore loyalty to his/her country for the sake of a bigger cause: internal and secret loyalty to Israel and to the urgency of protecting it against enemies. The book says Sayanim fulfills different responsibilities. The Sayan running a car rent institute provides Katsa with car of his/her choice without demanding any document from him/her.

The Sayan running a house rent institute provides Katsa with house. A Sayan running a bank opens bank for Katsa out of working hours. A Sayan physician renders medicare services, such as healing the wound caused by bullets, without informing the police. Sayanim collects all technical and non-confidential data and provides Katsas with the key information they require. Without Sayanim Mossad can not go on with its activities.

Based on a report the book offers more than 4,000 Sayanims were active in Britain and nearly four times the figure there were Sayanim active in the U.S. in 1998. Somewhere, the book refers to abduction of Zionist regime's atomic expert Mardkhay Venono by Zionist regime's agent and his return to the occupied Palestine as well as his being sentenced to 100-year jail terms.

It touches on the role of Sayanim in identification and arrest of the expert. To find Venono, says the book, Sayanim launched activities in London. List of London-based hotels were given to a large number of the Jewish volunteers to find the expert. They eventually found the area where Venono was kept. The expert, who worked for years at Zionist regime's atomic arms centers took photos from the said arms and smuggled them out of Israel. He published the photos at British weekly, Sunday Times. Those marked clear-cut evidence of atomic arms produced by the Zionist regime.

The regime, however, denies access to atomic arms. Mossad spends hundreds of million dollars monthly on preservation of its safe houses, on espionage activities and on paying expenditures of Sayanim. According to Thomas, Sayanims do not receive any money but charges of operations they are involved. The book elaborates in detail on espionage activities of a capitalist and license holder of a newspaper in Britain Robert Maxwel and the way he was killed, on Iranian reporter of the weekly, observer, Farzad Bazoft's spying for Israel and his execution by Iraq, on Mossad's efforts to assassinate Khalid Mashal and on a number of other events.

Despite certain blunders and appalling errors its has committed in introducing historical events, the book tries its best to give a grave weight to Mossad and cause psychological panic. This might be the main reason for publication of the book and Zionist spies' implicit support for its compilation. the book unveils dark and black realities about Zionist regime's information network and diversity of operations it is launching.

Thomas has written many books on Western espionage and information networks and has prepared a TV program on Mossad for Channel four of British TV. He served as foreign correspondent in certain important historical events such as the crisis of Suez Canal in 1956 or the Tiananmen Square episode in Beijing in 1989. (IRNA)